Bluewater Bay Marina Boat Ramp Renewal

BOAT RAMP PATRON letter for 2014 Boat Ramp passes for 2014 are now available.  Come see us at the Bluewater Bay Marina to purchase or renew your boat ramp pass.  Print and complete the form below and bring it into the Bluewater Bay Marina, 290 Yacht Club Drive, Niceville to purchase your 2014 Boat Ramp Pass.  […]

Pin Fish Tournament

The Bluewater Bay Marina is holding the 2013 Pinfish Grand Nationals Tournament! It is being held at the Bluewater Bay Marina Complex on August 17th, 2013, 10:00am – 11:00am.  Anglers meeting at 9:20am.  $20.00 Registration before August 5.  Late registration fee $25.00 August 5-17, 2013.

Clean Marina Award

The Florida Department of Environmental Protection (DEP), together with The Clean Boating Partnership, has named Bluewater Bay Marina as a Florida Clean Marina. The Florida Clean Marina Program is a voluntary designation program with a proactive approach to environmental stewardship. Participants receive assistance in implementing Best Management Practices through on-site and distance technical assistance, mentoring […]